title: Edelweiss Content Planning and Data Administration revision_date: 2025-02-26


Welcome to Edelweiss! This document explains and defines the various data feeds that may be used to populate catalog data within the Edelweiss platform.

Edelweiss has many types of content that can be uploaded and displayed for a title within a specific market. All of the content can be broken out into three basic types:

Content Management Steps

Here’s an overview of the steps needed to create a catalog within Edelweiss, listed in order of priority. The first three are the only that are required. They form thefoundation of your catalog. The additional steps add ancillary data.

  1. Create catalog, assign it to all relevant markets, and add EANs.
  2. Populate bibliographic title data, ideally via ONIX. You may use our Treeline_Biblio_Data Template, which is similar to Ingram’s Excel File Biblio Template, or you can use the admin interface to manually input your data. (This can be done before step 1 if needed.)
  3. Upload cover images by batch upload via FTP… OR use the admin interface.
  4. Upload comparative title data. (This data is very important to stores that will use your catalog for planning frontlist purchasing!)
  5. Add ancillary metadata to enhance the listing (if not already coming from ONIX), including product description (not required but very important!), author bio (highly recommended!), quotes & reviews, book excerpts, key selling points, marketing plans, Table of Contents, interior images, links to external websites, related products, and publicity events.
  6. Upload catalog cover image.
  7. Upload PDF of catalog (optional, if it exists).
  8. Upload catalog page numbers and sort order (Excel).

Bibliographic Data Feeds

The following fields are the core bibliographic data elements that represent products in Edelweiss. Ideally, this data is populated via an ONIX feed and the fields below match standard data elements within ONIX. Publishers that don’t use ONIX should contact Above the Treeline for alternate means of importing this data.

The next table outlines the primary field names and any supporting data elements. The primary fields also have an indication as to whether this data can be updated via the Edelweiss Admin tool or via an ancillary (non-ONIX) feed. Those data elements required for a title to work fully within Edelweiss are indicated under the “Required” column. Finally, the last column indicates whether that attribute can be market-specific in terms of content displayed for a single ISBN that is available in more than one market, (e.g. US Trade/Academic/Christian, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, Global, etc.).

Please note if a piece of metadata is not market specific, e.g. measurements, and it is fed to us in two markets, one with incorrect measurements and one with correct measurements, the data from the last feed will always display. We cannot manually correct this data. Therefore, the publisher sending incorrect data will need to correct their feed.

Core Metadata ONIX Feed Admin Required Market Specific Feed/Comments
SKU/EAN Yes Yes Biblio
Title/Subtitle Yes Yes Biblio
Format Yes Yes Biblio
Imprint Yes Biblio
Status Yes Biblio
Series Name Yes Biblio
Series Number Yes Biblio
Publication Date Yes Yes Biblio
On Sale Date Yes
Ship Date Yes
Carton Qty Yes Biblio
Print Run Yes Product_Printrun
Pages Yes Biblio
Edition Number Yes Biblio
Edition Description Yes Biblio
Measurements Biblio
Sales Rights (Description)
Marketing Content ONIX Feed Admin Required Market Specific Feed/Comments
Overview Yes Yes Biblio, Product_Description
Quotes Yes Product_Description
Excerpts Yes Product_Description
Contributor Bio Yes Product_Description
Keynote Yes Product_Description
Key Selling Points Yes Product_Description
Unpublished Endorsements Yes Product_Description
Marketing Plans Yes Product_Description
Table of Contents Yes Product_Description
Contributors ONIX Feed Admin Required Market Specific Feed/Comments
Contributor Yes Biblio (limit of three), Contributor
Prices ONIX Feed Admin Required Market Specific Feed/Comments
Currency Biblio (USD/CAD Only), Price
Amount Biblio, Price
Discount Code Biblio
Categories ONIX Feed Admin Required Market Specific Feed/Comments
BISAC Biblio (Limit of one per title)
Comps/Related Products ONIX Feed Admin Required Market Specific Feed/Comments
Comp Titles Yes Related_Products
Related Products Yes Related_Products
Other/Misc ONIX Feed Admin Required Market Specific Feed/Comments
Links Yes Product_Links
Sales Rights (Countries) Yes
Sub Rights Subrights
Bursts Bursts

For more information on updating title content so that it’s market specific using our online Catalog Administration tools, refer to Publisher Administrator Help – in particular the materials about creating a catalog and managing title attributes.

ONIX Feeds

ONIX is the preferred method for submitting and updating bibliographic title data. Publishers that do not have ONIX feeds available will need to contact Above the Treeline to discuss other options for populating title data, including using our Treeline Biblio Data Template, which is an Excel file that needs to be submitted via our Ancillary Data feed process (see the next sections for details). ONIX feeds should be made available via FTP or pushed to Above the Treeline’s FTP server on a regular basis (e.g. daily or weekly). Feed processing includes adding any new records from ONIX into the Edelweiss database as well as updating existing records with information that has changed. ONIX files are processed throughout the day, but it can take 24 hours before data is ingested and visible in Edelweiss. Once files move to the processed folder in your FTP, indicating they have been processed, leave these files unaltered in the processed folder. Please also use distinct file names so that files in the processed folder aren't overwritten. We cannot troubleshoot processing issues if original files are overwritten or moved from this folder.

Edelweiss ONIX processing will update all of the fields in the above grid unless the elements are not available in a publisher’s ONIX file or the publisher has explicitly asked Treeline to not process them (e.g. Age Range may not be a relevant field for a publisher that only publishes adult books). We can accept distinct ONIX feeds for specific types of products – e.g. print vs. ebooks – as well as for specific markets. This also allows us to process these ONIX feeds uniquely based on the relevant nodes and posting schedule. Ideally, each ONIX feed contains unique ISBNs so data overriding (for the same ISBN) does not become an issue.

If files don’t ingest fully or move to the “processed” folder overnight, it could be due to a delay in processing and/or a bug within our processes. Please submit a ticket if you notice an abnormality. Often though, files are not processed as expected for other reasons. Here are a few best practices to ensure timely and correct processing:

Feel free to send us ONIX data for all of your active titles. Publishers are not actually charged for posting ONIX title data - just for featuring a set number of titles in Edelweiss catalogs each year.

Post all of your ONIX files to the /ONIX/ folder within your FTP account/folder on our server.

Our FTP Address: na-ftp.abovethetreeline.com

ONIX 3 Element Mapping

Node Mapping Overview

Data Element ONIX 3.0
Imprint /product/publishingdetail/imprint/imprintname
Title /product/descriptivedetail/titledetail
Subtitle /product/descriptivedetail/titledetail/titleelement/subtitle
Edition Type /product/descriptivedetail/editiontype
Edition Number /product/descriptivedetail/editionnumber
Author /product/descriptivedetail/contributor
Pub Date /product/publishingdetail/publishingdate
Pub Date (alt) /product/productsupply/supplydetail/supplydate (PublishingDateRole 01)
Ship Date /product/productsupply/supplydetail/supplydate (PublishingDateRole 02)
On Sale Date /product/productsupply/supplydetail/supplydate (PublishingDateRole 08)
ISBN /product/productidentifier
Format /product/descriptivedetail/productform
List Price /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price
Discount Code /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price/discountcoded
Categories /product/descriptivedetail/subject
Age Range /product/descriptivedetail/audiencerange
Number of Pages /product/descriptivedetail/extent
Print Run/product/productsupply/marketpublishingdetail/initialprintrun
Series Name /product/descriptivedetail/collection/titledetail/titleelement/titletext
Series Number /product/descriptivedetail/collection/titledetail/titleelement/partnumber
Illustration Note /product/descriptivedetail/illustrationsnote
Measure /product/descriptivedetail/measure
Publishing Status /product/publishingdetail/publishingstatus
Sales Rights (Link Text) /product/publishingdetail/salesrestriction/salerestrictionnote
Sales Rights (Popup) /product/publishingdetail/salesrights
Carton Quantity /product/descriptivedetail/productpart/numberofcopies
Excerpt /product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 14)
Comps Titles /product/relatedmaterial/relatedproduct/ (Custom Mapped)
Keynote /product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 02)
Summary /product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 03)
Contributor Bio /product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 12)
Links /product/collateraldetail/supportingresource (ResourceMode 06)
Marketing Plans /product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 03, AudienceCode 07)
Key Selling Points/product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 11)
Quotes /product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 06, 07, 08)
Unpublished Endorsements /product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 09)
Table of Contents /product/collateraldedail/textcontent (TextType 04)
Related Titles /product/relatedmaterial/relatedproduct (Custom Mapped)

Detailed Node Mapping

Category PropertyONIX 3.0 Node
Title /product/descriptivedetail/titledetail
Title SubTitle /product/descriptivedetail/titledetail/titleelement/subtitle
Title TitleText /product/descriptivedetail/titledetail/titleelement/titleprefix
Title TitleType /product/descriptivedetail/titledetail/titleelement/titletext
Title TitleWithoutPrefix /product/descriptivedetail/titledetail/titleelement/titlewithoutprefix
AudienceRange /product/descriptivedetail/audiencerange
AudienceRange AudienceRangeQuantifier /product/descriptivedetail/audiencerange/audiencerangequantifier
AudienceRange AudienceRangePrecision /product/descriptivedetail/audiencerange/audiencerangeprecision
AudienceRange AudienceRangeValue /product/descriptivedetail/audiencerange/audiencerangevalue
ContainedItem /product/descriptivedetail/productpart
ContainedItem ItemQuantity /product/descriptivedetail/productpart/numberofcopies
  ProductIdentifier      /product/descriptivedetail/productpart/productidentifier
  ProductIdentifier   IdentifierType   /product/descriptivedetail/productpart/productidentifier/identifiertype
  ProductIdentifier   IdentifierValue   /product/descriptivedetail/productpart/productidentifier/identifiervalue
Contributor /product/descriptivedetail/contributor
Contributor BioGraphicalNote /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/biographicalnote
Contributor ContributorRole /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/contributorrole
Contributor CorporateName /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/corporatename
Contributor FirstName /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/namesbeforekey
Contributor LastName /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/keynames
Contributor PersonName /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/personname
Contributor PersonNameInverted /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/personnameinverted
Contributor SequenceNumber /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/sequence
Contributor ContributorPlace /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/contributorplace
Contributor ContributorPlaceRelator /product/descriptivedetail/contributor/contributorplacerelator (where relator is 01, 02, 03, 0r 04)
DiscountCode /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price/discountcoded
DiscountCode DiscountCodeType /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price/discountcoded/discountcodetype
DiscountCode DiscountCodeValue /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price/discountcoded/discountcode
Extent /product/descriptivedetail/extent
Extent ExtentType /product/descriptivedetail/extent/extenttype
Extent ExtentUnits /product/descriptivedetail/extent/extentunits
Extent ExtentValue /product/descriptivedetail/extent/extentvalue
Imprint /product/publishingdetail/imprint
Imprint ImprintName /product/publishingdetail/imprint/imprintname
Imprint NameCodeType /product/publishingdetail/imprint/imprintidtype
Imprint NameCodeTypeName /product/publishingdetail/imprint/idtypename
Imprint NameCodeValue /product/publishingdetail/imprint/idvalue
Language /product/descriptivedetail/language
Language CountryCode /product/descriptivedetail/language/countrycode
Language LanguageCode /product/descriptivedetail/language/languagecode
Language LanguageRole /product/descriptivedetail/language/languagerole
Measure /product/descriptivedetail/measure
Measure Measurement /product/descriptivedetail/measure/measurement
Measure MeasurementUnitCode /product/descriptivedetail/measure/measurementtype
Measure MeasureTypeCode /product/descriptivedetail/measure/measureunitcode
MediaFile /product/collateraldetail/supportingresource
MediaFile MediaFileDate /product/collateraldetail/supportingresource/contentdate/date
MediaFile MediaFileFormatCode /product/collateraldetail/supportingresource/resourceversion/resourceversionfeature/featurevalue (ResourceVersionFeatureType = 02)
MediaFile MediaFileLink /product/collateraldetail/supportingresource/resourceversion/resoucelink
MediaFile MediaFileTypeCode /product/collateraldetail/supportingresouce/contentresourcetype
OtherText /product/collateraldedail/textcontent
OtherText Text /product/collateraldedail/textcontent/text
OtherText TextAttribution /product/collateraldedail/textcontent/textauthor
OtherText TextFormat /product/collateraldedail/textcontent/textformat
OtherText TextSourceTitle /product/collateraldedail/textcontent/sourcetitle
OtherText TextTypeCode /product/collateraldedail/textcontent/texttype
OtherText ContentAudience /product/collateraldedail/textcontent/contentaudience
Price /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price
Price CountryCode /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price/territory/countriesincluded
Price CurrencyCode /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price/currencycode
Price PriceAmount /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price/priceamount
Price PriceTypeCode /product/productsupply/supplydetail/price/pricetype
Product /product
Product ContributorStatement /product/descriptivedetail/contributorstatement
Product Edition /product/descriptivedetail/editiontype
Product EditionNumber /product/descriptivedetail/editionnumber
Product IllustrationsNote /product/descriptivedetail/illustrationsnote
Product NotificationType /product/notificationtype
Product NumberOfIllustrations /product/descriptivedetail/numberofilllustrations
Product NumberOfPages /product/contentdetail/contentitem/textitem/numberofpages
Product NumberOfPieces /product/descriptivedetail/productpart/numberofcopies
Product PrintRun /product/productsupply/marketpublishingdetail/initialprintrun
Product ProductForm /product/descriptivedetail/productform
Product ProductFormDetail /product/descriptivedetail/productformdetail
Product ProductKey /product/recordreference
Product PubDate /product/publishingdetail/publishingdate
Product PublishingStatus /product/publishingdetail/publishingstatus
Product Series /product/descriptivedetail/collection/titledetail/titleelement/titletext
Product NumberWithinSeries /product/descriptivedetail/collection/titledetail/titleelement/partnumber
  ProductIdentifier      /product/productidentifier
  ProductIdentifier   IdentifierType   /product/productidentifier/identifiertype
  ProductIdentifier   IdentifierValue   /product/productidentifier/identifiervalue
ProductWebsite /product/collateraldetail/supportingresource (where resourcemode = 06)
ProductWebsite ProductWebsiteLink /product/collateraldetail/supportingresource/resourceversion/resoucelink
Publisher /product/publishingdetail/publisher
Publisher PublisherName /product/publishingdetail/publisher/publishername
Publisher PublisherRole /product/publishingdetail/publisher/publisherrole
RelatedProduct /product/relatedmaterial/relatedproduct/
RelatedProduct ProductForm /product/relatedmaterial/relatedproduct/productform
RelatedProduct RelationCode /product/relatedmaterial/relatedproduct/productrelationcode
  ProductIdentifier      /product/relatedmaterial/relatedproduct/productidentifier
  ProductIdentifier   IdentifierValue   /product/relatedmaterial/relatedproduct/productidentifier/identifiertype
  ProductIdentifier   IdentifierType   /product/relatedmaterial/relatedproduct/productidentifier/identifiervalue
SalesRestriction /product/publishingdetail/salesrestriction
SalesRestriction SalesRestrictionDetail /product/publishingdetail/salesrestriction/salerestrictionnote
SalesRestriction SalesRestrictionType /product/publishingdetail/salesrestriction/salesretrictiontype
Subject /product/descriptivedetail/subject (without a tag)
Subject SubjectCode /product/descriptivedetail/subject/subjectcode
Subject SubjectSchemeIdentifier /product/descriptivedetail/subject/subjectschemeidentifier
SupplyDetail ExpectedShipDate /product/productsupply/supplydetail/supplydate (role 08)
SupplyDetail OnSaleDate /product/productsupply/supplydetail/supplydate (role 02)
SupplyDetail ProductAvailability /product/productsupply/supplydetail/productavailability
TerritoryRights /product/publishingdetail/salesrights
TerritoryRights Country /product/publishingdetail/salesrights/country
TerritoryRights RightsType /product/publishingdetail/salesrights/rightstype
TerritoryRights Territory /product/publishingdetail/salesrights/territory

Text Content Elements

These are the default processor settings for the text content composite elements using ONIX code list 153. Please reach out to us if clarification or support for a custom mapping is needed for your feed. Elements can also be unmapped upon request to prevent duplication.

TextType Code TextType Description Edelweiss Field
02 Short description/annotation Keynote
03 Description Long descrption
04 Table of contents Table of contents
06 Review quote Quotes
07 Review quote: previous edition Quotes
08 Review quote: previous work Quotes
09 Endorsement Unpublished endorsement
10 Promotional headline Keynote
11 Feature Key selling points
12 Biographical note Biographical note
14 Excerpt Excerpt

These are the default processor settings for the related product composite elements using ONIX code list 51. Please reach out to us if clarification or support for a custom mapping is needed for your feed.

Relation Code Relation Descrption Edelweiss Field
02 Is part of Related Product
03 Replaces Comparable Product
06 Alternative format Related Product
12 Publisher's suggested alternative Related Product
22 Product by same author Comparable Product
23 Similar Product Comparable Product
27 Electronic version available as Related Product
30 Basic version available as Related Product

ONIX Title Management Providers

If your company does not want to distribute or manage your ONIX bibliographic data and feeds directly, we recommend working with the following providers in the United Kingdom and the United States.

These services can maintain ONIX and other asset feeds for supporting your titles in Edelweiss. Services will incur costs separate from your subscription with Edelweiss. Please contact the respective support teams for any estimates or on-boarding questions.

United Kingdom

United States

Treeline_Biblio Feed

If your company does not use ONIX and you prefer to submit your core bibliographic data via spreadsheet rather than using Edelweiss’s online cataloging tools, please use the Treeline_Biblio_Data Excel Template.

Note: The particular data formatting requirements are annotated in each column header field found within this template. Also, all number values should be formatted as text. Include all columns found in this template and do NOT add any additional columns.

Please adhere to the Ancillary Data feed specifications that follow:
File Format: Excel (2007 or earlier) or DOS-formatted Text
File Name: US: Treeline_Biblio_1.xls or Treeline_Biblio_[YYYYMMDD].xls UK: UK_Treeline_Biblio_1.xls or UK_Treeline_Biblio_[YYYYMMDD].xls
FTP Drop Folder: Your /edelweiss/import_data/ folder on our server at ftp.abovethetreeline.com

Contact your Edelweiss account manager or support@abovethetreeline.com before you post your very first Treeline_Biblio file to your FTP account, as we will need to configure your account to begin auto-processing these files.

This folder will be monitored by an automated process and feeds will typically be processed within 30 minutes of receiving them, though this processing window is subject to change and may be delayed if the volume of feeds needing to be processed is especially high. Processed feeds will be moved to the /edelweiss/import_data/processed folder and retained for 3 months. The individual at your organization responsible for posting ancillary feeds may also be set up to receive the automatic alert email that lets them know if their file was successfully processed. Contact support@abovethetreeline.com if you need to add or update this feed recipient list.

Note that all of the particular data formatting requirements are annotated in each column header field found within the Treeline_Biblio_Data template, as well as below.

Other Requirements

Required Fields

  1. EAN
  2. Title
  3. Cont 1 (Contributor 1)
  4. Pubdate
  5. Binding
  6. List Price
  7. BISAC Subject / Thema Subject (UK Only)

Formatting Requirements

Column A: ISBN: text, 10 characters, no hyphens
Column B: EAN: text, 10, 13, or 14 ISBN or EAN, no hyphens, *required field
Column C: UPC: text, 12 digits, no hyphens or other characters
Column D: Title: text, no abbreviations, may include sub-title if
unavailable separately, not more than 200 characters long, *required field
Column E: Subtitle: text, no abbreviations
Column F: Edition: numeric (e.g. 2), formatted as text or number
Column G: Edition Desc: value must be from this list or else leave blank

Column H: Series Name: text, no abbreviations, not more than 100 characters long
Column I: Series Num: not currently used
Column J: Cont 1: text, name of contributor or author 1, listed as Last Name, First Name, *required field
Column K: Cont 1 Role: value must be from this list or else leave blank and the default A01 role will be used:

Column L: Cont 2: refer to specs listed for Cont 1 Column J above
Column M: Cont 2 Role: refer to specs listed for Cont 1 Role Column K above
Column N: Cont 3: refer to specs listed for Cont 1 Column J above
Column O: Cont 3 Role: refer to specs listed for Cont 1 Role Column K above
Column P: Imprint: text, Name of either Imprint or Publisher
Column Q: Pubdate: text, this field must be formatted as MMYYYY, with the leading 0 included for all months January (01) thru September (09), *required field
Column R: Status: value must be from the following list or else leave blank and an IP/Active status will be applied to that title. Note that Edelweiss doesn't automatically update these statuses, so we recommend using the IP code for all current and forthcoming active titles.

Column S: Media: text, value must be from the following list or else leave blank:

Column T: Binding: value must be from the following list, and this is a /required field*:

Media Type A - AA = Analog Audio Cassette - CD = Compact Disc - DV = DVD

Media Type B or J

Media Type C

Media Type D

Media Type K

Media Type V

Media Type W

Column U: List Price: numeric formatted as text, US retail price only, do NOT include $ or other currency symbol, *required field
Column V: CAD Price: numeric formatted as text, Canadian retail price only, do NOT include $ or other currency symbol
Column W: Discount_Code: text, should reflect your internal discount code value, not a number or percentage
Column X: Ctn Qty: Carton Quantity, numeric formatted as text
Column Y: Pages: numeric formatted as text
Column Z: BISAC Subject / Thema Subject (UK Only): BISAC Standard Subject Codes – Contact the Book Industry Study Group for a list of codes (www.bisg.org). All title records must be include at least one primary code (e.g. BIO004540), not the category description.

Thema Subject Codes - Complete code list is available from EDItEUR Thema website. All title records must include at least one primary code (e.g. YFS), not the category heading.*required field
Column AA: Audience: value must be from the following list or leave blank

Column AB: Language: (Not currently displayed anywhere in Edelweiss)
values are based on the ISO Language Codes; i.e.

Column AC: Product Description: Product Long Summary Description, maximum of 1000 characters, NO HTML, NO Carriage Returns, and NO Author Bios
Column AD: Height: numeric formatted as text, in inches
Column AE: Width: numeric formatted as text, in inches
Column AF: Thickness: numeric formatted as text, in inches

Ancillary Data

Some publishers may provide ancillary data within ONIX (product descriptions, quotes, etc) and some may choose to send this data in non-ONIX feeds. If ancillary data is to be provided outside of ONIX, it may be delivered in one of three ways:

Administrative Interface

The Edelweiss Catalog Administrative Interface may be used to update almost all types of catalog content. Publishers wishing to use the Admin Interface should attend a one hour Webex training session in order to understand all the various steps required in creating a catalog. Help documents are also available at http://help.edelweiss.plus/?article_category=pub-admin.

Ancillary Data Feeds

For ancillary data that can't be included in ONIX, publishers can set up automated ancillary data feeds using flat tab-delimited files delivered via FTP.

For the technical details on using ancillary data feeds, as well as a list of available feeds, see the Ancillary Feeds page.

Asset Feeds

All catalog assets (images, PDFs, etc.) should be made available via FTP or transmitted to the Edelweiss FTP server. Assets may be sent compressed or uncompressed. Compressed files should not contain sub-folders. All image files should be placed in the specific edelweiss/images/jacket_covers or edelweiss/images/illustrations subfolder within their FTP folder, as described below.

Image Specifications
For all jacket cover, author and interior images the following image guidelines should be used:
Supported Formats: GIF, PNG or JPG
Size: preferred size is 1000px width. This is the largest size we will display.
Resolution: preferred resolution is 72 dpi. This is the highest definition we will display.

Note that as of March 2015, all images may be market-specific in Edelweiss. So, for instance, a different cover image can be displayed in the US market than one in the UK market for the same ISBN.

Jacket Cover Images

FTP Folder: /edelweiss/images/jacket_covers
Naming Convention: Name must contain the ISBN or ISBN13 of the associated product. Dashes within the name are acceptable.

We process jacket covers every hour at the top of each hour; they should begin to appear on the site shortly after processing, though site caching may delay their display.

Author Images

FTP Folder: /edelweiss/images/author_images
Naming Convention: The filename must contain the ISBN or ISBN13 of the associated product followed by an underscore character and a sequence number. The sequence number should be incremented when multiple images are sent per product. Example: 978012345678_1.jpg 978012345678_2.jpg

We process author images every night, and they should display on Edelweiss the following day.

Interior Illustrations

FTP Folder: /edelweiss/images/illustrations
Naming Convention: The filename must contain the ISBN or ISBN13 of the associated product followed by an underscore character and a sequence number. The sequence number should be incremented when multiple images are sent per product. Example: 978012345678_1.jpg 978012345678_2.jpg

Interior Illustrations from a PDF Sample Spread
We can read multiple interior illustrations for a title from a single PDF file.

File Format: PDF
Naming Convention: [ISBN]_[Sequence]_p[ThumbnailPageNumber].pdf

We process interior images every night, and they should display on Edelweiss the following day.